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Mission-led companies: Reconciling financial performance, environment and social issues
Is the Macron Bonus the simplest, most direct solution for companies?
Harassment and discrimination: complaints investigations still far from perfect
[interview] Interview with Anne Vincent: “The French Labour Code does not provide a threshold temperature for stopping work”
Dismissal without ‘real and serious cause’ - compensation definitively capped
The environment - gradually gaining ground in labour law
Purchasing power: “Employers are limited in their choice of measures to offer their employees”
How can companies increase their employees’ purchasing power without touching their salaries?
Rising cost of living: the levers available to businesses
New rights for whistleblowers
Employment law and the environment: ecology interferes with social dialogue
To counter inflation, HR directors seek solutions
War in Ukraine: how to protect employees in times of crisis
Can my employer withhold part of my salary?
Sobriety plan: "it is likely that the efforts required of employees will be badly experienced"
Employee dividend: concord or discord?
2022 / 2023 rankings of Décideurs Magazine - Groupe Leaders League
#metoo : dans les entreprises, une lutte difficile contre les actes sexistes et le harcèlement sexuel
The lack of binding effect of the CEDS decision contesting the "Macron" scale
Pénuries d'essence, grèves, pouvoir d'achat… La rentrée sociale consacre définitivement l'agilité des DRH ! Louise PEUGNY était ce midi sur BFM Business pour faire le point sur la situation dans les entreprises. Interview complète à suivre.
Brétigny : « Le tribunal a tenu compte de l'état de récidive légale » (Me F. Hubert, Voltaire Avocats)
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aux Matinées Actualités
date de la matinée actualité
15/05/2024 de 9h à 11h
26/06/2024 de 9h à 11H
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